How to keep olive oil fresh?

Start olive oil drizzling on any dish and using it on countless classic recipes. Olive oil versatile flavor and best nutrition profile give us every reason to pour it on pasta, fish, salad, bread, cake batter, pizza, etc. One of the biggest mistakes most of us make is keeping a bottle of olive oil next to the stove. This practice can make our favorite fresh ingredient rancid. Also, olive oil deteriorates and turns rancid more rapidly when exposed to light, heat, and air. So, make sure to do the following to keep your olive oil fresh. Avoid bright light and opt for a tinted bottle. Be sure to buy brands bottled in dark-colored glass to help prevent ultraviolet rays from penetrating the bottle. Long-term exposure to light can affect flavor, too, so store EVOO in a dark cupboard or cabinet to prevent oxidation. Keep the bottle closed. During cooking it’s easy to set a bottle of olive oil down, unopened, for some time. But leaving the bottle open or even not secured tightly allows air to easily access the oil which accelerates the oxidation process and therefore, could cause the oil to turn rancid. Always keep the bottle tightly closed for optimal freshness. Keep it cool – but not in the fridge. EVOO exposed to warm temperatures will begin to oxidize and eventually turn rancid. Bottles should be stored away from heat but not in a cold place that will cause the oil to solidify. Storing olive oil around 68 degrees Fahrenheit or room temperature.

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