Health Benefits Of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Health experts and doctors as beneficial have long knew olive oil to uplifting your immune system and protecting against viruses. Olive oil has also been known to offer users protection against diseases such as heart disease and cancer. There are nutrients in olive oil that copy the effect of strong painkillers and blood thinning agents such as those that reduce inflammation.

Reducing inflammation can decrease the risk of breast cancer and keep it from returning over again. There are many components in olive oil that are being studied very closely for positive effects on cancer. Heart disease patients can also benefit from olive oil as it can help to reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood which so often leads to heart disease.

Olive oil is also well known to be rich in antioxidants and is actually a very good source of nourishment. The benefits of olive oil can be extended to saying that two tablespoons taken every day are as important as the recommendation that people eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

Many of us do not realize how often we use olive oil in our daily food and produce. As a great source of nutrition and an organic produce, olive oil antioxidant-rich diet helps us to relieve stress. It is also a rich source of Vitamin E, known to help in reducing the onset of cancer. If you take plant oils, olive oil stands out as the best when it comes to monounsaturated fats. This is the fat that does not oxidize inside your body (and that has to be a good thing!). The types of fat that do oxidize in the body are those polyunsaturated fats and olive oil has a very low content of this type of fat.

So, try adding extra virgin olive oil to your shopping list. But the health benefits of olive oil do not simply stop at decreasing the risk of cancer, heart disease and lowering the levels of cholesterol in our blood, it can also lower our blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure (or even low), consuming two tablespoons everyday, for just a few months, of olive oil can help to level out your systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.